lundi 30 mars 2015

Ivy Writers Paris avec Gillian Conoley et Dominique Quélen le 14 avril 2015 au DELAVILLE CAFE PARIS

IVY WRITERS PARIS vous invite à une soirée de lectures bilingues le 14 avril 2015 AU DELAVILLE CAFE avec les poètes :

Gillian Conoley (USA), Dominique Quélen (France)

accompagnés par Barbara Beck (traductrice, USA)

14 April from 19h30: Ivy Writers Paris says DELAVILLE is back and we are going to bask in the ambiance with fabulous readings by visiting American author Gillian Conoley and French poet who is making a special trek to Paris for us, Dominique Quélen. Barbara Beck will also share some of her translations of Quélen!

le 14 avril 2015 à 19h30
At : Delaville Café (1er étage—mais rdv au bar)
34 bvd bonne nouvelle 75010 Paris
M° Bonne nouvelle (ligne 8 ou 9)

Notre groupe FB—rejoignez-nous ! 
Notre nouvelle page « Ivy Writers Paris communauté » sur FB :

BIOS en FRANCAIS and then below IN ENGLISH

Dominique Quélen, né en 1962, est enseignant à Lille et l’auteur, depuis 1992, de plus qu’une dixaine de volumes : - Bas morceaux, Møtus, 1992- Vies brèves, Rafael de Surtis, 1999- Petites formes, Apogée, 2003- Sports, Apogée, 2005- Le temps est un grand maigre, Wigwam 2007 ; 2008- Comme quoi, L’Act Mem, 2008 ; La Rivière échappée, 2009- Système, Fissile, 2009- Loque, avec des dessins de Tristan Bastit, Fissile, 2010- Finir ses restes, Rehauts, 2011- Câble à âmes multiples, Fissile, 2011- Des second & premier, L’Âne qui butine, 2012- Les Dispositions de la loi, sur Helene Reimann, Invenit, 2012.- Énoncé-types, Le Théâtre Typographique, 2014 - Oiseaux, extraits, Contrat Maint, 2014. Son prochain recueil, Basses contraintes, va paraître chez Le Théâtre Typographique en 2015. Il traduit et, en collaboration avec Barbara Beck, ils ont fait paraître un volume du travail de l’auteur Cid Corman : Vivremourir précédé de Stead, (L’Act Mem, 2008 ; La Rivière échappée, 2009). Il y a des publications par Quélen en revues et sur des sites web, notamment dans Poésie : Nioques, Rehauts, Action restreinte, Moriturus, L’Etrangère, Légendes, La Polygraphe, Grèges, The Black Herald, Le Nouveau Recueil, Action poétique, La Revue de belles-lettres  et D-Fiction. Ses textes critiques ont été publiés dans le Cahier critique de poésie (cipM), sitaudis,, et sur poezibao. Ses articles universitaires paraissent dans la Revue de littérature comparée, Cahiers Georges Perec, Europe, etc. Il a souvent travaillé avec des musiciens, notamment avec Aurélien Dumont sur Villa des morts, Le Fils de Prométhée, Frottole des forêts flottantes, Eglog, Satura, Nix, Abîme apogée, Thét®is, etc., avec Misato Mochizuki pour Oublier Fukushima avec Matthias Krüger sur Cloches, avec Klimperei sur Alice (CD, Prikosnovénie, 2000) et avec le collectif : Linges de signes (avec Elke de Rijcke, Marie Etienne, David Christoffel et Jean-Michel Espitallier ; Sébastien Béranger, Gilles Schuehmacher, Rodolphe Bourotte, Frédéric Kahn et Aurélien Dumont). Il a reçu des bourses du CNL en 2006 et en 2013. Pour plus d'informations sur Dominique Quélen, lire l’entretien avec Jérôme Goude dans Le Matricule des anges n°111 (mars 2010) ou voir ses textes et extraits de textes sur à

Gillian Conoley, née au Texas, est poète, traductrice, fondatrice et rédactrice en chef de VOLT (magazine), et professeur de littérature et poète en résidence à l’Université de Sonoma State en Californie. Gillian Conoley a fait publier six recueils de poésie dont le plus récent, Peace (Omnidawn, 2014), a reçu l’honneur d’être nommé « l’un des livres le plus remarquable de 2014 » par l’académie de poètes américains. Ce livre est égalementfinaliste pour le prix de Los Angeles Times. Ses autres recueils sont THE PLOT GENIE (Omnidawn, 2009), PROFANE HALO (Verse Press/Wave Books, 2005), LOVERS IN THE USED WORLD (Carnegie Mellon, 2001), Beckon (Carnegie Mellon, 1996), TALL STRANGER (Carnegie Mellon, 1991)—finaliste pour le prix du National Book Critics Circle et Some Gangster Pain (Carnegie Mellon, 1987)--récipient du prix du nouveau écrivain de Great Lakes Colleges. En 2014, Conoley a également fait sortir un livre de traductions--une collection de trois volumes d’Henri Michaux : THOUSAND TIMES BROKEN: THREE BOOKS BY HENRI MICHAUX (City Lights Books, 2014)—nommé l’un des meilleurs 10 livres de poésie publié en l’automne 2014.  Ses poèmes ont été sélectionnés pour plus que 20 ouvrages collectifs (anthologies) de poésie aux Etats-Unis, notamment 2 chez W.W. Norton (Postmodern American Poetry et American Hybrid) ainsi que Postmodern Lyricism (édité par Counterpath Press).  Pour plus sur Gillian Conoley, voir ou lire l’entretien avec Rusty Morrison, son éditeur, sur le site d’Omnidawn : ou lire quelques poèmes sur Jacket magazine à

Barbara Beck est poète, traductrice et, depuis 2002, rédactrice en chef de Upstairs at Duroc, revue  littéraire en anglais publiée à Paris. Ses poèmes ont paru dans des publications américaines et internationales, ainsi que dans l’anthologie Strangers in Paris (Tightrope Books, Toronto, 2011). Elle a publié Vivremourir (L’Act Mem, 2008, en collaboration avec Dominique Quélen), la traduction en français de Livingdying de Cid Corman, et des traductions de poèmes de Vannina Maestri dans la revue américaine Aufgabe.

Gillian Conoley’s sixth collection, PEACE, out this year with Omnidawn, was named one of the Academy of American Poets Standout Books for 2014 and is a finalist for The Los Angeles Times Book Award.  Her translations of Henri Michaux, THOUSAND TIMES BROKEN: THREE BOOKS BY HENRI MICHAUX, also out this year with City Lights, and was included in Publisher’s Weekly’s top 10 poetry books Fall 2014.  Conoley was born in Austin Texas, where, on its rural outskirts, her father and mother owned and operated a radio station. 
She is the author of six collections of poetry, including THE PLOT GENIE, (Omnidawn, 2009), PROFANE HALO (Verse Press/Wave Books, 2005), LOVERS IN THE USED WORLD (Carnegie Mellon, 2001), Beckon (Carnegie Mellon, 1996), TALL STRANGER (Carnegie Mellon, 1991)—a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award—and Some Gangster Pain (Carnegie Mellon, 1987). Her work has received the Jerome J. Shestack Poetry Prize from The American Poetry Review, a National Endowment for the Arts grant, and a Fund for Poetry Award. Conoley’s poems have been anthologized in over 20 national and international anthologies, including W.W. Norton’s Postmodern American Poetry, American Hybrid, and Counterpath’s Postmodern Lyricism as well as in translation in and the Italian anthology, Nuova Poesia Americana, published by Oscar Mondadori. Editor and founder of Volt magazine, she is Professor of English and Poet-in-Residence at Sonoma State University. For more on Gillian Conoley, see the poet bio and selection of poems on the Poetry Foundation site at or read an interview with her by Rusty Morrison at the bottom of this webpage:  or read some sample poems on Jacket magazine at:

Dominique Quélen, born in 1962, is a French poet, critic, teacher and translator who lives and works in Lille. Quélen has published over a dozen books of poetry, most recently Loque (Fissile, 2010), Finir ses restes (Rehauts, 2011), Câble à âmes multiples (Fissile, 2011); Des second & premier (L’Âne qui butine, 2012), and Énoncé-types (Théâtre Typographique, 2014). His book Basses contraintes, is forthcoming with Théâtre Typographique in 2015. His poems have earned him fellowships from the CNL in 2006 and 2013 and a variety of writer residencies over the years. He often collaborates with musicians, for example with Aurélien Dumont on Villa des morts, Le Fils de Prométhée, Frottole des forêts flottantes, Eglog, Satura, Nix, Abîme apogée, Thét®is, etc., with Misato Mochizuki on Oublier Fukushima, with Matthias Krüger on a project called Cloches, with the collective Linges de signes (with poets and musicians Elke de Rijcke, Marie Etienne, David Christoffel et Jean-Michel Espitallier ; Sébastien Béranger, Gilles Schuehmacher, Rodolphe Bourotte, Frédéric Kahn et Aurélien Dumont) and with Klimperei on Alice (the CD is available from Prikosnovénie, 2000). His poems have appeared in literary reviews and on websites and his critical and academic texts have been published in such places as Cahier critique de poésie (cipM), sitaudis,, et sur poezibao as well as la Revue de littérature comparée, Cahiers Georges Perec, Europe, etc. He co-translated with Barbara Beck Cid Corman’s Livingdying (as Vivremourir, L’act Mem, 2008). For more on Quélen, see a selection of texts, book reviews and articles at  

Barbara Beck is a poet, translator and, since 2002, editor of Upstairs at Duroc, the English-language literary journal published in Paris. Her poems have appeared in journals in the US and internationally, and in the anthology Strangers in Paris (Tightrope Books, Toronto, 2011). Translations include Cid Corman’s Livingdying (in collaboration with Dominique Quélen), published in French as Vivremourir (L’Act Mem, 2008) and poems by Vannina Maestri in Aufgabe.

dimanche 22 mars 2015

Soirée IVY PROSE avec Aden Ellias, Barry Kirwan et Marie Houzelle le 31 mars à BERKELEY BOOKS of PARIS

Ivy Writers Paris fête la prose ! Venez à notre première soirée « IVY PROSE », avec lectures en français et en anglais le 31 mars 2015 à 19h00 à la libraire BERKELEY BOOKS, Paris, par les auteurs 

Barry Kirwan (anglais, auteur de la tétralogie EDEN PARADOX) 
Aden Ellias (français, auteur de PASSAGES) 
et Marie Houzelle (française, auteur de TITA)

English version: Ivy Writers Paris invites you to our very first PROSE reading on the 31st of March at 7:00PM at Berkeley Books with the novelists Barry Kirwan, Marie Houzelle and Aden Ellias!

31 mars // à partir de 19h00
à la libraire Berkeley Books
8 Rue Casimir Delavigne,
75006 Paris

Join Ivy’s FB group at:

Bios en français and then below in English

Aden Ellias, écrivain et performeur, est l’auteur des recueils Aucune Bretagne (2008) et Passages (2013,  en accès libre sur, avec une lettre-postface d’Y. di Manno). Ellias est également journaliste web & presse écrite sous divers pseudonymes. Autres Publications : Runbook art book (2012), Zaporogue literary mag (2013), Stonecutter journal of art and literature (2014). Son premier roman paraît en France au printemps 2015 aux éditions E-FRACTIONS ( Il nous lira quelques extraits de ce livre ce soir.

Barry Kirwan est l’auteur britannique de la tétralogie The Eden Paradox : le Paradoxe d’Eden (initialement prévu comme une trilogie) qui est comprise de Eden Paradox,  Eden’s Trial,   Eden’s Revenge et Eden’s Endgame (le dernire a été publié fin 2014). Il est également l’auteur de nouvelles e prose et du genre science-fiction, en partie disponible sur son site Il vit et travaille en France. Son projet d’écriture actuel est un thriller intitulé Sixty-Six Metres (soixante-six mètres) et un nouveau ouvrage de la science-fiction intitulé Last Human (Dernier Humain).
Marie Houzelle est née dans le sud de la France et vit maintenant à Ivry, près de Paris. Elle séjourne volontiers à Londres, Berlin, Dublin, Amsterdam, Brooklyn ou Berkeley chez des inconnus qui, en échange, occupent son appartement. Elle écrit surtout en anglais mais pourrait bien prendre goût à la langue de Marcel Proust. On trouve ses poèmes et nouvelles dans Serre-Feuilles, Pharos, Orbis, Van Gogh’s Ear, Narrative Magazine, dans son chapbook No Sex Last Noon (I Want Press), et dans le recueil Best Paris Stories (Summertime Publications). « Hortense on Tuesday Night » (en anglais) et « Belle-famille » (en français) sont disponibles en Kindle Single. Son roman Tita (Summertime Publications) a paru en septembre 2014 et la version numérique est maintenant disponible. Une traduction allemande sera publiée prochainement par Random House Germany. Pour en savoir plus, voir ici :

Aden Ellias is a performer and writer. He is the author of Aucune Bretagne (selected poems 2008) and Passages (2013 free access Ellias is also a web journalist who has published other writings under various pseudonyms. Contributions : Runbook art book (2012), Zaporogue literary mag (2013), Stonecutter journal of art and literature (2014). His debut novel is forthcoming in spring 2015 with the publisher éditions E-FRACTIONS ( He will share a few extracts from this book with us tonight!

Marie Houzelle is a fiction writer who grew up in the south of France. She studied linguistics in Toulouse, Rennes and Berlin and now lives in Ivry, near Paris, with her bicycle. She sings and dreams in a few European languages but writes mostly in English, sometimes in French. Houzelle’s stories and poems have appeared in Serre-Feuilles, Pharos, Orbis, Van Gogh's Ear, Narrative Magazine, in her chapbook No Sex Last Noon (I Want Press) and in the collection Best Paris Stories (Summertime Publications). “Hortense on Tuesday Night” (in English) and “Belle-famille” (in French) are available in Kindle Single. Tonight we will be celebrating the launch of her first novel Tita which was published by Summertime Publications in fall 2014. (ISBN 978-1-940333-01-4) It is now also available as an ebook. A German translation is forthcoming with Random House Germany. Publisher’s Weekley wrote that “In Houzelle’s first novel, Tita is a seven-year-old girl growing up in the south of France in the 1950s whose life seems to be defined by obstacles: the many foods that disgust her, the school that fails to challenge her, and parents who struggle to understand her. …Through Houzelle’s sharp, straightforward prose (which captures Tita’s perspective), the story of how Tita grows takes center stage.” And Tripfiction wrote “Houzelle is terrific at capturing the ambience of rural France in the 1950s, and the nature of a young girl who is avidly engaging with the world around her. The book has a real old fashioned feel to it, it is beautifully written, it is funny, astute and warm, and the locale is very much an enveloping character in the book – you can almost smell the garrigue. A delightful read!” For more on Marie Houzelle or her book TITA, see her website at

Barry Kirwan first wrote fiction at the age of fifteen, delivering a popular weekly fantasy serial for his school class-mates. After leaving university he turned to non-fiction and had four books published in the domain of his day job, which concerns the avoidance of human error in large-scale industrial and aviation accidents. He turned back to fiction when he arrived in Paris in 2001, after attending a writing course by Canadian author Lauren Davis, followed by a Flash Fiction course by Jennifer K. Dick, whereupon he joined a writers group and began writing short stories. During a Paris Writers Workshop, Atlantic Fiction editor Michael C Curtis suggested he turn one of his short stories, called Trouble in Eden, into a novel, and five years later the Eden Paradox was published. The novel received some success, many considering it a revival of classic science-fiction mores with contemporary writing style and novel science fiction ideas. The two most common comments were “I don’t normally read science fiction, but I like this”, and “it’s so cinematic, I can see all the scenes.” The novel became a trilogy, the second and third books each arriving one year later, but the series demanded a final fourth book, Eden’s Endgame, published at the end of 2014. The Eden Paradox series, as with most science fiction, poses questions about humanity. What if the galaxy is inhabited, and we’re not the smartest kids on the block (the Eden Paradox)? Given our propensity for war and ‘inhumanity’ to our fellow man and woman, how would an advanced alien civilisation judge us (Eden’s Trial)?  If we could genetically advance our children, would it be a good idea (Eden’s Revenge)? And if the galaxy needed us in a time of war, would we be up to the challenge, able to rise above our weaknesses and prejudices (Eden’s Endgame)? The series is multi-protagonist and all four books are multi-threaded with tightening plots (Barry calls this ‘tourniquet-plotting), following characters who grow as the books develop, and because it is set in the context of a brewing galactic war, quite a few do not make it to the end. 

There are also a number of short stories – fiction as well as science fiction – freely available on the author’s website , including one for aspiring and perhaps disillusioned would-be writers, called Writerholics Anonymous, and he publishes a popular blog on the same website dealing with science fiction and what he has learned over the years about the craft of writing. Having finished the Eden Paradox series, he is currently working on a thriller called Sixty-Six Metres, in which a young female Russian agent is trying to retrieve a military device lost at the foot of a shipwreck, while both the Mafia and the CIA are closing in on her, the body count rising steadily throughout the book. Following this project, he plans to return to science fiction with a new novel called Last Human. Barry belongs to a writing group called – somewhat anachronistically – Men with Pens (half the group is female). MWP meets every few weeks at a café in Montparnasse, where the food is good, and the wine flows freely to assuage the sometimes brutal critiquing that serves as the main course. He believes strongly in the utility of writing groups as a resource for authors, particularly those who cannot be full-time writers. He also believes there is something intrinsically literary about Paris, which encourages people to write.

jeudi 5 mars 2015

John High, Andrea Inglese et Alessandra Cava le 10 mars 2015 à Berkeley Books

Ivy Writers Paris vous invite à une soirée de poésie italienne et américaine (avec des lectures en anglais-français-italien) le 10 mars 2015 à 19h00 à la libraire BERKELEY BOOKS, Paris, avec les auteurs :

John High (américain)
Andrea Inglese (italien)
et Alessandra Cava (italien)

English version: Ivy Writers Paris invites you to a reading on the 10h of March at 7:00PM at Berkeley Books with the poets John High (American), Andrea Inglese (Italian) and Alessandra Cava (Italian). Poems will be read in their native language and in translation in French.

10 mars // 19h00
à la libraire Berkeley Books
8 Rue Casimir Delavigne,
75006 Paris

Bios en anglais and the below in French

John High is the author of nine books, including the lives of thomas, The Sasha Poems, Bloodline—Selected Writings, and the novel, The Desire Notebooks (selected by the Village Voice Literary Supplement as one of the top 25 books of its year).  His most recent collection of poetry, you are everything you are not, is the third book of a trilogy—a book of unknowing and here (Talisman House). His work has appeared recently in Ugly Duckling Presse (6×6), The Brooklyn Rail, New American Writing, Brooklyn Paramount, Poems by Sunday, Conjunctions, and Poetry Northwest, among many other places. In the last several years he has read in Paris, London, Istanbul, Moscow, St. Petersburg, and the Venice Biennale, as well as NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, and Detroit. A recipient of four Fulbright Fellowships, he has received grants from the National Endowment for the Arts (one in fiction and one in translation), the Witter Bynner Foundation, Arts International, the Academy of American Poets, and is an honorary member of the Moscow Club Poetry. A founding editor of Five Fingers Review, he is also the co-translator of several books of contemporary Russian poetry (Nina Iskrenko, Ivan Zhdanov, and Aleksei Parshchikov) and the chief editor for Crossing Centuries—The New Generation in Russian Poetry.  His translations of Osip Mandelstam have appeared in The Nation, Fulcrum, Denver Quarterly, Pen America, Ugly Duckling Presse, and Poetry.  He has taught creative writing and literature in Moscow, Istanbul, Hangzhou, and San Francisco, and now teaches in the MFA Creative Writing Program at LIU Brooklyn. He is a recipient of LIU’s David Newton Award for Excellence in Teaching (2009).

John High est écrivain, traducteur, éditeur et professeur. L’auteur de 9 livres, notamment les recueils the lives of thomas, The Sasha Poems, Bloodline—Selected Writings, et le roman, The Desire Notebooks (sélectionné par le Village Voice Literary Supplement comme meilleur 25 livres de 2014).  Son recuiel le plus recent est le troisième volume d’une trilogie--you are everything you are not, qui suit a book of unknowing et here (Talisman House). Il a reçu quatre bourses de Fulbright ainsi que des bourses et des prix du National Endowment for the Arts (une fois pour la prose et une fois pour la traduction), le Witter Bynner Foundation, les Arts International et l’Académie des Poètes Américain. Il est membre honoraire du « Moscow Club Poetry ». Fondateur et rédacteur en chef deFive Fingers Review, il a également co-traduit plusieurs ouvrages de poésie russe, notamment des recueils et des poèmes d’Osip Mandelstam,  Nina Iskrenko, Ivan Zhdanov et Aleksei Parshchikov, et il a dirigé l’édition de l’anthologie de traductions de poésie russe, Crossing Centuries—The New Generation in Russian Poetry. Il a enseigne la littérature et le creative writing à Moscow, à Istanbul, à Hangzhou et à San Francisco. Actuellement, il enseigne dans le département du MFA en Creative Writing and à LIU Brooklyn où il a reçu un prix pour son excellence d’enseignement en 2009–le « LIU David Newton Award for Excellence in Teaching ». Pour plus, consulter :

Andrea INGLESE (1967), poète, traducteur et essayiste, vit dans les environs de Paris. Il a publié en Italie plusieurs livres de poésie et de prose ; en français, Colonne d’aveugles (traduction de l’italien par Pascal Leclercq, Le Clou Dans Le Fer, 2007), Prati / Pelouses (traduction de l'italien par Laurent Grisel, Eric Houser et Magali Amougou, La Camera Verde, 2007) et Lettres à la Réinsertion Culturelle du Chômeur (traduction de l’italien par Stéphane Bouquet, Nous, 2013). Il a dirigé et traduit l’anthologie italienne de Jean-Jacques Viton Il commento definitivo. Poesie 1984-2008 (Metauro éditions, 2009). Il a traduit en italien d’autres auteurs tels que Caroline Dubois, Antoine Volodine, Jérôme Mauche, Nathalie Quintane, Stéphane Bouquet, Liliane Giraudon et Vincent Tholomé. Il est rédacteur du mensuel d’intervention culturelle « Alfabeta2 » avec Umberto Eco et Nanni Balestrini et du site ; il est une des membre du blog collectif Nazioneindiana ( et du site GAMMM literature / criticism / installation(s) / research( Il collabore aux pages culturelles du quotidien « il Manifesto ». Il a été écrivain résident pour l’année 2010-2011 de la Région Ile de France.

Andrea Inglese (1967), born in Turin he was for many years a lecturer in Italian at the University of Paris III and continues to reside in France. He is one of the founders, with Andrea Raos of the site Nazioneindiana, has translated many French poets such as Alain Jouffroy, Boris Vian, Henri Michaux, René Char, Caroline Dubois, Antoine Volodine, or Jérôme Mauche. He is the editor of the electronic review of poetry criticism in Italian called Per una critica futura as well as author of the monthly culture listing Alfabeta2 and of the site GAMMM ( He is also a contributing editor for the daily, writing on culture, il Manifesto. He writes in both Italian and French, though his poetry is composed in Italian then translated. His most recent collection appears in editions in both countries--it was translated from Italian into French by Stéphane Bouquet. Inglese’s poetry tends towards accumulation, stratification and inventory, in the effort to achieve an ever increasing focus, in a mature balance between participating perception and analysis, between “textual spontaneity and thematic density” (G. Majorino). His books include: Poetry Prove d’inconsistenza (Proof of Inconsistency). With a preface by G. Majorino in VI Quaderno italiano. Marcos y Marcos, Milan 1998. Inventari(Inventories). With an afterword by B. Cepollaro. Editrice Zona, Rapallo 2001. Bilico (Balance). Edizioni d’if, Naples 2004. L’indomestico (The Indomestic). E-book in Biagio Cepollaro E-dizioni, 2005. Quello che si vede (Arcipelago, 2006).  Colonne d’aveugles(traduction de l’italien par Pascal Leclercq, Le Clou Dans Le Fer, 2007). La distrazione (Sossella, 2008, prix Montano 2009). La grande anitra (Oèdipus, 2013). Lettres à la Réinsertion Culturelle du Chomeur, Éditions NOUS, 2013 translated from Italian by Stéphane Bouquet. Essays and other prose: Akusma. Forme della poesia contemporanea. Metauro 2000. Scrivere sul fronte occidentale. Feltrinelli 2002. Ritmologia. Il ritmo del linguaggio. Poesia e traduzione. Edited by Franco Buffoni. Marcos y Marcos 2002. L’eroe segreto. Il personaggio nella modernità dalla confessione al solipsismo. Department of Linguistics and Comparative Literature, University of Cassino 2003. Prati / Pelouses (La Camera Verde, 2007), Prosa in prosa (Le Lettere, 2009), Quando Kubrick inventò la fantascienza (La Camera Verde, 2011) and Commiato da Andromeda (Valigie Rosse, prix Ciampi 2011). Inglese’s essays have also appeared in various literary magazines, and many are online via the Italianistica at His short stories have also appeared in the magazines Qui, Sud, Nuova prosa and on the collective weblogNazioneindiana. Multimedia: Inglese’s poetry has been adapted by electronic music composer Giovanni Cospito: Supra Modum for soprano, electric/acoustic sounds and live electronics, 1996. Prologo da Le camere di Orfeo (Prologue from Orpheus’ Rooms), 1993. Together with videoartist Rosanna Guida he also collaborated on: La buiosa (video), 1997. Winner of the Prix de la Creátion Vidéo 98 prize at the Festival of Contemporary Art of Clermont-Ferrand, France.

Alessandra Cava: was the youngest member of a 2014 Italian-English and French poetry collaborative group at Le Moulin Rouge in Verberie, France which has produced a film and publication from the Benway Series. Currently, Alessandra is completing a PhD in Paris with the Università di Bologna on theater studies and is part of the Altre Velocità drama critique group. She edited the critical volume Un colpo. Disegni e parole dal teatro di Fanny & Alexander, Motus, Chiara Guidi/Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio,Teatrino Clandestino (Longo, 2010). She is quite interested in performance both as use of a stage and as vocal projection  in drama but also as a poet. Her work is therefore quite sound-based, as can be seen on the Youtube video of her "Vocalità / Tessitura / Mémoira/ Luce" reading in 2012 from her chapbook, at: . She is the author of RSVP (édizioni Pollimata), reviewed at: She has other writing in «Il Verri» and «Alfabeta2». She is also a contributing collaborative editor for «Hystrio» and «Doppiozero» and was in the first edition of the Swedish Lit mag «Subaltern» in 2012 : 

Alessandra Cava : est née en 1984. Elle a vécu à Grottammare, Sienne, Bologne et habite actuellement à Paris. Rédactrice pour Altre Velocità, group d’observateurs des arts scéniques, elle a conduit des workshops d’écriture critique et a travaillé pour plusieurs festivals. Elle est doctorante en Etudes Théâtrales à l'Université Sorbonne Nouvelle. Ses recherches portent sur le concept d‘absence et ses enjeux dans l’espace théâtral autant que dans l’espace poétique. Elle a publié rsvp (Polìmata –  collection ex[t]ratione, 2011). En 2014 elle a participé à l’écriture et à la traduction collective de Le Moulin 14 –19 luglio 2014 (Benway, 2014). Quelques-uns de ses textes peuvent être lus ici ou bien écoutés ici et ici.