Virginie Lalucq (France)
Mardi, le 12 mai 2009
à 19h30 Gratuit! Free!
AT : Le Next
17 rue Tiquetonne 75002 Paris
M° Etienne Marcel / RER Les Halles
Akilah Oliver is the author of 4 books of poetry: A Toast in the House of Friends (CoffeeHouse, 2009), a(A)ugust (Yo-Yo Labs, 2007), The Putterer’s Notebook (Belladonna, 2006), An Arriving Guard of Angels, Thusly Coming to Greet (Farfalla, 2004). A book of experimental prose poetry the she said dialogues: flesh memory (Smokeproof/Erudite Fangs, 1999) received the PEN American Center’s “Beyond Margins/Open Book” award. She is co-founder of the avant-garde, feminist performance group, The Sacred Naked Nature Girls (SNNG, 1994-1997) whose work is the subject of critical study in performance theory, found in In Other Los Angeleses: Multicentric Performance Art, (Meiling Cheng, Univ. of CA Press, 2002). Charles Bernstein said of A Toast in the House of Friends, “This poetry is a holding space, a folded grace, in which objects held most dear disappear to return as radiant moments of memory’s forgiving home”. Alice Notley comments, “Akilah Oiiver’s book is an extraordinary gift for everyone, pushing beyond itself into the aura of holy graffiti in the big night, unstable shapes that won’t break.” Oliver’s work can be found online at PennSound. She lives in Brooklyn and teaches at Naropa University’s Summer Writing Program.
Sample online poems by Akilah Oliver can be found at: EOAGH, From "Corruptions" :, From "A Putterer's Notebook" at Marsh Hawk Review & also on Napam Health Spa Resort 2008: & then, "interview" on The Doll Games at, and an interesting critical piece by Laura T. Smith focusing on Akilah Oliver's work can be read online at Vectors "Parataxis as "Strategic Provisionality" in Akilah Oliver's she said dialogues: flesh memory, Laura T. Smith":
NOTE: Akilah will collaborate with trumpeter Rasul Siddik. Siddick was born in St. Louis, MO. He is an internationally acclaimed jazz musician and recording artist who has worked with the Now Artet, David Murray, Archie Shepp, Kirk Lightsey, Katy Roberts, Sunny Murray, Joe Lee Wilson and Steve Mac Craven’s group “Black Studies”. He lives in Paris. Translations will be read by Poet & translator Martin Richet, his bio listed under his reading last fall: click HERE for it.
Virginie Lalucq est née en 1975 et vit à Paris. Elle est l’auteure de Couper les tiges (Act Mem/ Comp'act, 2001) et de Fortino Samano (avec Jean-Luc-Nancy, Galilée 2004). Elle a participé à l'anthologie Autres territoires, dirigée par Henri Deluy (Ferrago/Leo Scheer, 2003) dans laquelle elle écrit « Cisailles, butée, copeaux », et a publié dans plusieurs revues, notamment Action poétique, Action restreinte, L'Animal, Les cahiers de Benjy, Issue, Java, Nioques, Les Lettres françaises, La revue des ressources, Elle est également membre du comité de rédaction de la revue Nioques. ENS déclare que « Un désir certain d'expérimentation caractérise son travail, désir qui se traduit notamment par de nombreux projets d'écriture et de performances collectifs, et par l'utilisation de matériaux et supports divers. » Elle a publié ses textes traduits en espagnol dans Vertebra (Chili) et participe enfin aux Lettres françaises (supplément culturel de l'Humanité).
Virginie Lalucq fait de nombreuses lectures publiques et participe régulièrement à des revues en lignes et des weblogs, comme Les Cahiers de Benjy et, Action-writing, hypercourt,, Revue des ressources, Sitaudis…