jeudi 29 mai 2008

Charle Borkhuis & Franck André Jamme le 24 juin!!!


(Série de lectures par des poètes internationaux)


une lecture-rencontre (READING) en français & In English avec les auteurs






Mardi le 24 juin 2008

à 19h30 Gratuit! Free!

AT : Le Next

17 rue Tiquetonne 75002 Paris

M° Etienne Marcel / RER Les Halles to get on our readings list!

BIOS en français-anglais/anglais-français:

FRANCK-ANDRE JAMME : Spécialiste des arts bruts, tantriques et tribaux de l'Inde contemporaine (commissaire pour "Magiciens de la Terre"/centre Georges Pompidou, Azur / Fondation Cartier, Galerie du Jour Agnès b. Paris, Feature Gallery et The Drawing Center, NYC) maître d'oeuvre de la Pléiade de René Char, Franck-André Jamme a publié depuis 1981 treize livres de poèmes et de fragments aux éditions Fata Morgana, Unes, Melville, Virgile et Flammarion, ainsi que de nombreux tirages illustrés (entre autres par Suzan Frecon, Jaume Plensa ou James Brown. Voir une page de tire et illustration sur ou ). Il est également traducteur, en particulier de John Ashbery. Quatre de ses livres (dont l'un, "The Recitation of Forgetting", a été traduit par John Ashbery) ont été publiés aux États-Unis depuis 2000, chez Black Square/ Brooklyn Rail et Sélavy Press. Un cinquième paraîtra fin 2008 chez Wave Books. Pour l'ensemble de son oeuvre, il a reçu en 2005 le Grand Prix de Poésie de la Société des Gens de Lettres et en 2006 le Prix quinquennal Fondation de l'Académie Française. Sur Franck André Jamme, voir l'entretien avec F.Lallier dans Bourgogne Côté Livres n°11 ( ) ; ; ou voir le cite CipM

CHARLES BORKUIS’ poetry books include: Afterimage (, Savoir-fear, Alpha Ruins (selected by Fanny Howe as finalist for the William Carlos Williams Book Award), Proximity (Stolen Arrows), Dinner with Franz, & Hypnogogic Sonnets. His essays on contemporary poetics have appeared in Telling it Slant & We Who Love to Be Astonished, two books published by the University of Alabama Press. His 25 stage & radio plays have been produced widely, & he is the recipient of a Dramalogue Award. His plays are published in three collections: Mouth of Shadows, The Sound of Fear Clapping, & Poets’ Theater. His screenplay, “Irreparable Damage” has been optioned to be made into a feature-length film in Vienna. His most recent screenplay “Ghost Within” is set in rural central Pennsylvania. His CD, Black Light, contains 2 radio plays produced for National Public Radio, recently aired in Paris on AUP radio. Podcast version available on cosyfunparis at Itunes & at pennsound: He is the former editor of Theater:Ex, an experimental theater publication. For the last 16 years, he has curated poetry readings for the Segue Foundation, most recently at Bowery Poetry Club in Manhattan. In an essay NEWSENSE: ANTI-MANIFESTO available online, Borkhuis writes “As poets, it is up to us to infiltrate poetic speech into our conversations and see where that experiment takes us. I propose the umbrella term Newsense to refer to poetic conversation that need not adhere to the old-sense demands of coherent sentence structure or, for that matter, rational sense-making.” Read sections from Afterimage online with Big Bridge review at

Franck André Jamme is a specialist of art brut, as well as tantric and tribal arts from contemporary India. (For example, he was the “commissaire” for the show "Magiciens de la Terre" at the centre Georges Pompidou, then touring Azur/Fondation Cartier, Galerie du Jour Agnès b. Paris, Feature Gallery and The Drawing Center, NYC). He’s also the editor for the Pléiade edition on René Char. As concerns his own work, since 1981 Franck André Jamme has published 13 poetry collections & collections of fragments with publishers in France such as Fata Morgana, Les editions Unes, Melville, Virgile & Flammarion. He has also published a variety of art or artist illustrated works (for example with works by Suzan Frecon, Jaume Plensa or James Brown). He’s also a translator, in particular of John Ashbery, and four of his own works have been translated into English (at Black Square/ Brooklyn Rail or Sélavy Press) including "The Recitation of Forgetting” which was in turn translated by Ashberry. A 5th book will appear in English at the end of 2008 with Wave Books. To celebrate his life’s work, he received, in 2005, the « Grand Prix de Poésie de la Société des Gens de Lettres » &, in 2006, the « Prix quinquennal Fondation de l'Académie Française ».

Charles Borkhuis est poète, dramaturge, critique et organisateur de lectures. Il a écrit, notamment, des recueils de poèmes Afterimage, Savoir-fear, Alpha Ruins (selectionné pour the William Carlos Williams Book Award), Proximity (Stolen Arrows), Dinner with Franz, et Hypnogogic Sonnets. Il est également l’auteur de plusieurs pièces de théâtre qui ont été publiés dans Mouth of Shadows, The Sound of Fear Clapping, et Poets’ Theater. Pour ses 25 pièces écrites pour la scène ou pour la radio il a reçu le prix Dramalogue aux Etats-Unis. Ses essais sur la poésie contemporaine ont parus dans deux anthologies “Telling it Slant” et “We Who Love to Be Astonished”, (University of Alabama Press). Il travail aussi sur des films, le premier, “Irreparable Damage” se passé à vienne, et un deuxième “Ghost Within” se passe en pennsylvanie. Il a également des CDs, par exemple Black Light. Pour les 16 dernières années il dirige les séries de lectures pour le Segue Foundation à New York City, par exemple au Bowery Poetry Club à Manhattan. L’une de ses pièces sera lue par des acteurs à Paris le 29 juin à 19h30 pour Moving Parts : Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° : Tuileries, Plusieurs pièces écrites pour la radio sont sur AUP radio podcasts ou sur pennsound. Quelques poèmes traduits en français ont parus dans la revue Boudoir 3 :

dimanche 25 mai 2008

After-IVY May 27th reading in English of Works in Progress


Le Next & IVY Writers Paris invites you to hear new works in English by authors


Christine HERZER,


Jonathan REGIER,

& Jennifer K. DICK

Tuesday, the 27th of May 2008

To celebrate new works, works in progress, MFAing & the publication of Come Hither Magazine. Short readings by each author will be followed by drinks then dinner in a nearby restaurant. Reading is free! Come get a copy of Come Hither!

Reading will start at 20h promptly:

doors open at 19h00 for pre-drinks.


17 rue Tiquetonne

75002 Paris

M° Etienne Marcel/Les Halles.

Free !/ Gratuit !


Mary Ellen Gallagher moved to Paris years ago from Denver, where she’d she specialized in marketing and public relations, ran her own PR firm serving clients as diverse as the Diane Fossey Gorilla Fund & the World Bank. Now she is completing her MFA in fiction at Lesley University. A writer of prose (for which she has won awards in France, the USA & Australia) & memoir, she will be delighting us with a series of works written in metros this spring.

Elisa McCool, editor in chief of Come Hither magazine, hails from Austin, TX but has been living in Paris for 2 years. Her work has appeared in Skanky Possum & in broadside form for the Parvati Press Cross-Quarter reading series. She taught a poetry workshop in a men's prison in Iowa, & next year will join the MFA program in poetry at the University of Michigan. Don’t miss this chance to hear her work!

Jonathan Regier is the author of the forthcoming Three Years From Upstate (Six Gallery Press, October 2008: & is hard at work on a new collection based on Tristan & Iseult. His work combines elements of storytelling with poetry. This will be his first reading in Paris! Poet & visual artist

Christine Herzer is working on her MFA in poetry at Bennington College, Vermont. She has studied with Michael Burkard & Timothy Liu. She is currently in Paris to work on an artist book, & will be sharing new works with us.

Jennifer K Dick, author of the book Fluorescence, the chapbook Retina / Rétine & eBook Enclosures will read from new work in progress. She teaches at École Polytechnique & Lille III. Jen co-organizes IVY Writers with Michelle Noteboom. They will be reading together alongside Roberta Vellevé & Margo Berdeshevsky the 2nd of June at Shakespeare & Co , 37 rue de la bucherie Paris 5e.

vendredi 9 mai 2008

MAY 20th : Mullen & Vilgrain!

IVY WRITERS présente une lecture-rencontre

en français & en anglais

avec les auteurs

Laura Mullen et

Bénédicte Vilgrain

Le Mardi 20 mai 2008

à 19h30

au NEXT :

17, rue Tiquetonne

75002 Paris

M° Etienne Marcel

/ Les Halles

Tél : 01 42 36 18 93


Entrée gratuite


Laura Mullen teaches at Louisiana State University and is the author of five books: three collections of poetry and two hybrid texts. Her most recent book is the hybrid text murder mystery, Murmur (Futurepoem 2007), preceded by Subjet (U of CA), Tales of Horror (Kelsey St), After I was Dead (U of GA) and The Surface (U of IL, National Poetry Series Winner, 1991). She has been awarded Ironwood's Stanford Prize, a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship and a Rona Jaffe Award, among other honors. Recent poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Octopus, 1913, New American Writing, the Denver Quarterly, and elsewhere. Recent prose has been collected in Civil Disobediences: Poetics & Politics in Action (Coffeehouse Press), and Paraspheres (Omnidawn).

Bénédicte Vilgrain édite & imprime (avec Bernard Rival), et traduit (Susan Howe, George Oppen, Paul de Man, Walter Benjamin, Paul Celan, Maître Eckhart…) au Théâtre Typographique (éditeur, Courbevoie) depuis 1984. Dernier ouvrage paru : Oskar Pastior, 21 Poèmes-anagrammes d'après Hebel, annotés et traduits en collaboration avec Frédéric Forte. Depuis 2001, elle publie chez contrat maint, en revues ou collectif, un montage de traductions (généralement du tibétain) qu'elle intitule: Une Grammaire tibétaine.Prochain volume à paraître : Ngà, Héros-Limite, Genève, 2009.