Le 25 March à 19h30, IVY Writers Paris vous invite à une
Lecture bilingue: Français, Anglais, avec les poètes
Jerome Rothenberg
Eric Suchère
Au: LE NEXT, 17 rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris
17 rue Tiquetonne 75002 Paris
M° Etienne Marcel/ RER Les Halles
The 25th of March at 8pm, doors open at 19h30. IVY WRITERS Presents a bilingual reading with. Jerome Rothenberg & Eric Suchère. Come at 19h30 for a social drink with the authors before the event, or stay & come out for dinner after! Complete
Eric Suchère, né en 1967. Il enseigne l'histoire et la théorie des arts à l'école supérieure d'art et de design de Saint-Etienne, est membre du comité de rédaction d'Action Poétique. Publications : L'image différentielle (Voix éditions, 2001), Le motif albertine (MeMo, 2002), Lent (Le Bleu du Ciel, 2003), Le souvenir de Ponge (cipM, 2004), Surface (Contrat Maint 2004), Fixe, désole en hiver (Les Petits Matins, 2005), Dans l'atmosphère de (Contrat Maint, 2008), Résume antérieur (Le mot et le reste, 2008). En tant que traducteur : Jack Spicer, C'est mon vocabulaire qui m'a fait ça (Le Bleu du Ciel, 2006), Erik Lindner, Terrain (cipM, 2007), Massimo Sannelli, Huit poèmes (Contrat Maint, 2007).
Jerome Rothenberg is the author of over seventy books of poetry including Poems for the Game of Silence (2000), Collaborations: Livres d’artiste 1968-2003 (2003), Poland/1931, A Seneca Journal, Vienna Blood, That Dada Strain, New Selected Poems 1970-1985 (1986), Khurbn, and most recently, A Paradise of Poets and A Book of Witness (all from New Directions). Kenneth Rexroth said: "Jerome Rothenberg is one of the truly contemporary American poets who has returned U.S. poetry to the mainstream of international modern literature. At the same time he is a true auctochthon. Only here and now could have produced him -- a swinging orgy of Martin Buber, Marcel Duchamp, Gertrude Stein, and Sitting Bull. No one writing poetry today has dug deeper into the roots of poetry." Describing his own poetry career as "an ongoing attempt to reinterpret the poetic past from the point of view of the present," Jerome Rothenberg has also edited seven major assemblages of traditional and contemporary poetry: Technicians of the Sacred (tribal and oral poetry from Africa, America, Asia, Europe, and Oceania), Shaking the Pumpkin (traditional American Indian poetry), America a Prophecy (a radical revision of the poetries of the North American continent co-edited with George Quasha), Revolution of the Word (American experimental poetry between the two world wars), A Big Jewish Book (subtitled "Poems & Other Visions of the Jews from Tribal Times to the Present"), and Poems for the Millennium (two volumes, co-edited with Pierre Joris). He has also published a number of plays and essays, has translated a wide range of poets from German and Spanish. His own work has been translated into French, for example Poems for the Game of Silence, has appeared in French, Swedish and Flemish editions, Un livre de témoignage appeared in French in 2002, & he is currently in France celebrating a new translation with a series of readings alongside Yves di Manno. At one point in his life, Rothenberg was the theorist of the deep image group of poets. He has received most of the awards one can think of, fellowships to residencies, etc, and was even elected to the World Academy of Poetry (UNESCO) in 2001. A complete bio may be found at: http://epc.buffalo.edu/authors/rothenberg/bio.html
D'après le Musée Quai Branly: Jerome Rothenberg écrit des "Chants maoris, cérémonies indiennes, épopées d’Afrique, hymnes du Pérou, cosmogonies d’Australie, définitions aztèques, « poèmes en prose » inuit… Les Techniciens du sacré présentent tout d’abord un corpus exemplaire de textes « traditionnels », de toutes provenances géographiques et temporelles. Mais loin de s’en tenir à une approche strictement documentaire, Jérôme Rothenberg a composé son ouvrage comme une anthologie « active », inscrite dans le présent, développant au fil de nombreux « Commentaires » un singulier parallèle entre des textes immémoriaux et la poésie du XXe siècle."
Eric Suchère is a translator (of Jack Spicer Eric Linder & Massimo Sannelli), art critic, poet, his works include L'image différentielle (Voix éditions, 2001), Le motif albertine (MeMo, 2002), Lent (Le Bleu du Ciel, 2003), Le souvenir de Ponge (cipM, 2004), Surface (Contrat Maint 2004), Fixe, désole en hiver (Les Petits Matins, 2005), Dans l'atmosphère de (Contrat Maint, 2008), Résume antérieur (Le mot et le reste, 2008).
READING AT: LE NEXT, 17 rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris, M° Etienne Marcel/Les Halles. Free !/ Gratuit !