Le 15 juin 2010 à 19h30
Ivy Writers présente
une lecture-rencontre en français & anglais
avec les poètes
Rachel Blau DuPlessis (USA)
Auxémery (France)
au bar: LE NEXT
(downstairs - au sous-sol)
Auxémery (France)
au bar: LE NEXT
(downstairs - au sous-sol)
17 rue Tiquetonne 75002 Paris
M° Etienne Marcel / RER Les Halles
AUXEMERY: est l’auteur de 9 recueils de poésie, « Distances, et c’est » (H.C., Dakar, 1979), « L’abolition de l’esclavage » ( Le Lumen, 1980), « Le centre de gravité » (Bedou, 1984), « le feu l’ombre » (Bedou, 1987), « Parafe » (Flammarion, 1994), « es-tu… » (Tétras-Lyre (Belgique), 1997 avec image de Michel Barzin), « Codex » (Flammarion, 2001), « Les Aphorismes du pire »( Le Taillis Pré (Belgique), 2004) et « Les Animaux industrieux » (Flammarion, 2007—qui a gagné le prix Artaud 2008) ainsi que le récit « Les Actes d’Hélène » (Ulysse Fin de Siècle, 2000). Parmi ses traductions de l’anglais, du latin et du Grec moderne on trouve les traductions de Charles Olson: « Les Poèmes de Maximus » (Julien Ségura), « Au travers de l‘espace et du temps » (H.C., Thiviers, 1984) et « Maximus amant du monde » (Ulysse Fin de Siècle, 1989) ; de Charles Reznikoff, de Leslie Scalapino « La foule et pas le soir ou la lumière » (Royaumont, 1992), d’Ezra Pound, d’H.D. (Hilda Doolittle), de Robert Creeley, de Clayton Eshleman, de Michael Gizzi , de Kenneth Koch, de Michaël Hartnett, de Rachel Blau DuPlessis : « Essais, quatre poèmes » (Créaphis/Un bureau sur l’Atlantique, 1995), de William Carlos Williams, de Titos Patrikios et de Catulle : « Catullus, petit chien » (Tristram, 1999). Auxémery a écrit la préface et participé à la traduction de : Démosthène Agrafiotis, (Epigraphies, Ulysse Fin de Siècle, 2003) aussi. Il est actuellement en train de préparer deux volumes de Nathaniel Tarn. Un livre d’entretiens par Auxémery a paru à la Médiathèque François-Mitterrand, Poitiers, 2004 : « Pow Wow », L’atelier de Claude Margat, avec des photographies d’Auxeméry. Bibliographie sur Poeziebao: http://poezibao.typepad.com/poezibao/2007/11/auxemry.html Quelques extraits de poèmes sur le web: http://remue.net/cont/Auxemery01.html et un entretien: http://www.zone-litteraire.com/zone/interviews/la-poesie-vivante-dauxemery
Ron Silliman said that award-winning United States poet and Critic Rachel Blau DuPlessis’ long poem project “Drafts” “…is proving to be one of the major poetic achievements of our time.” Begun in 1986, it is collected in Pitch: Drafts 77-95 (2010), in Torques: Drafts 58-76 (2007), in Drafts 39-57, Pledge, with Draft unnumbered: Précis (2004), all from Salt Publishing, as well as in Drafts 1-38, Toll (Wesleyan U.P., 2001). The Collage Poems of Drafts is forthcoming from Salt in fall 2010. Patrick Pritchett said of these: “DuPlessis has created one of the most sustained and magnificent meditations written by a contemporary poet on loss, presence, and the haunting persistence of language to redeem what has vanished ….”. But DuPlessis is also an acclaimed critical writer, having published the books of essays, Blue Studios: Poetry and Its Cultural Work (2006), The Pink Guitar: Writing as Feminist Practice (1990/2006) both from University of Alabama Press, along with Genders, Races, and Religious Cultures in Modern American Poetry, 1908-1934 (Cambridge University Press, 2001). Her recently completed critical book is Purple Passages: Patriarchal Poetry and its Ends. She has edited The Selected Letters of George Oppen (1990). Her work has been translated into French (by J-P Auxémery & Chris Tysh), Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Serbian. She has received a Pew Fellowship for Artists, a residency at the Rockefeller Study Center at Bellagio, Italy & a fellowship at the National Humanities Center, North Carolina. Her poetry can be heard on PENNSound, & her websites are http://rachelblauduplessis.com/ & also: http://wings.buffalo.edu/epc/authors/duplessis
Ron Silliman said that award-winning United States poet and Critic Rachel Blau DuPlessis’ long poem project “Drafts” “…is proving to be one of the major poetic achievements of our time.” Begun in 1986, it is collected in Pitch: Drafts 77-95 (2010), in Torques: Drafts 58-76 (2007), in Drafts 39-57, Pledge, with Draft unnumbered: Précis (2004), all from Salt Publishing, as well as in Drafts 1-38, Toll (Wesleyan U.P., 2001). The Collage Poems of Drafts is forthcoming from Salt in fall 2010. Patrick Pritchett said of these: “DuPlessis has created one of the most sustained and magnificent meditations written by a contemporary poet on loss, presence, and the haunting persistence of language to redeem what has vanished ….”. But DuPlessis is also an acclaimed critical writer, having published the books of essays, Blue Studios: Poetry and Its Cultural Work (2006), The Pink Guitar: Writing as Feminist Practice (1990/2006) both from University of Alabama Press, along with Genders, Races, and Religious Cultures in Modern American Poetry, 1908-1934 (Cambridge University Press, 2001). Her recently completed critical book is Purple Passages: Patriarchal Poetry and its Ends. She has edited The Selected Letters of George Oppen (1990). Her work has been translated into French (by J-P Auxémery & Chris Tysh), Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Serbian. She has received a Pew Fellowship for Artists, a residency at the Rockefeller Study Center at Bellagio, Italy & a fellowship at the National Humanities Center, North Carolina. Her poetry can be heard on PENNSound, & her websites are http://rachelblauduplessis.com/ & also: http://wings.buffalo.edu/epc/authors/duplessis