IVY WRITERS PARIS vous invite à une soirée de lectures bilingues le 5 avril 2016 à 19h30 avec les poètes :
Linda Maria Baros (France/Roumanie)
Sasha Steensen (USA)
Moe Seager (USA/Paris)
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Linda Maria Baros (née 1981) est l'auteur de six recueils de poèmes, dont Le Livre de signes et d’ombres (Prix de la Vocation, 2004), La Maison en lames de rasoir (Prix Apollinaire, 2006, rééd. 2008), L’Autoroute A4 et autres poèmes (2009) et La nageuse désossée. Légendes métropolitaines (en cours de parution). Ses poèmes ont été traduits et publiés dans 29 pays. Parallèlement, elle a écrit du théâtre, ainsi que deux ouvrages de critique littéraire, et a traduit une trentaine de livres. Membre de l'Académie Mallarmé et lauréate du prestigieux Prix Apollinaire, dont elle défend aujourd'hui la cause en qualité de secrétaire générale du jury, Linda Maria Baros est, comme le souligne Lionel Ray, une « poète hors du commun » dont « l'œuvre magistrale d'audace surprend tant elle est imprévisible, rêveuse et tranchante à la fois ». À Paris, où elle vit depuis de nombreuses années et où elle a obtenu en 2011 le titre de docteur ès lettres de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne, Linda Maria Baros est secrétaire générale du Collège de littérature comparée, directrice du Festival franco-anglais de poésie et rédactrice en chef de la revue internationale de poésie et art visuel La Traductière. Elle va lire sa poésie et présentée le numéro 33 de la Traductière à Ivy Writers Paris ce soir !
LIENS WEB : Pour plus sur Linda Maria Baros, voir son site : www.lindamariabaros.fr
Quelques extraits de ses poèmes sont publiés sur le site « Poeziebao » de Florence Trocmé: http://poezibao.typepad.com
Sasha Steensen is the author of four books of poetry, most recently House of Deer (Fence Books 2014, reviewed on Jacket2 and The RUMPUS), and Gatherest, forthcoming from Ahsahta Press. Previous collections include The Method (2008), and A Magic Book (2004), which won the Alberta DuPont Bonsal Prize, as well as several chapbooks, including the collaboration Correspondence: For La Paz (2004) with Gordon Hadfield. Steensen frequently makes use of both research and personal history in her writing. Reviewing The Method, which takes its impetus from an ancient, evolving manuscript originally written by Archimedes, a reviewer for Publishers Weekly noted that “Steensen guides us through the long journey of this ancient manuscript and artfully demonstrates how a book is a record of power dynamics in this multifaceted exploration of the complicated relationship between an author and her creation, which speaks both for and against its author.” Having grown up in rural Ohio and Las Vegas, earned a BA and an MFA at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and a PhD in poetics at SUNY Buffalo, Steensen currently lives in Fort Collins, Colorado, where she tends chickens, goats, bees, and children while working as a professor at Colorado State University teaching Creative Writing and Literature. Steensen also serves as a poetry editor for Colorado Review. For Ivy Writers Paris, Sasha will be reading work from a project underway—To prepare for this reading, check out a little interview about from Hendes on Kenyon Review's site: http://www.kenyonreview.org/conversation/sasha-steensen/ Other recent work is published or forthcoming in the following:
Essay Press, Dusie, Kenyon Review, West Branch and Omniverse.
LINKS to recent work:
* from Hendes. Dusie, Issue 18: http://www.dusie.org
* In Quiet, Likestarlings.:http://www.likestarlings.com, with Elizabeth Robinson
* “Aflame, it itself Made.” Omniverse: http://omniverse.us/poetry-sasha-steensen
* “I Couldn’t Stop Watching.” Evening Will Come: http://www.thevolta.org/ewc39-ssteensen-p1.html
* To hear an extract read aloud : from A History of the Human Family, “Me Thee Odes,” “A Stranger at the Gates”, TextSound: An Online Audio Publication, Issue 17: http://textsound.org
* For more on Sasha Steensen, see her response to Rob McClennan’s interview at: http://robmclennan.blogspot.fr
Moe Seager is a writer and performance artist. Poet and Jazz & Blues vocalist, he sings his verses on stages in Paris, New York and elsewhere. He has recorded 2 jazz-poetry c.d's under the title the Blue Note Metaphor. His 6 poetry collections are issued from the French Ministry of Culture - Rio Escondido, Cairo press - One World, in Arabic translation (2003), les Temps des Cérises, Paris - A Paris selection in French translation, and Fishermen and Pool Sharks, Busking editions London, Moe Poems, self published in 2014. His essays have been broadcast on radio, television, in print and online as Paris Calling. Seager has had numerous works performed, commissioned for stages in the USA and France. Seager was writer-in-residence at Shakespeare and Company bookstore, Paris in 1995. A Golden Quill Awardee, 1989, (USA) for journalism,Seager earned an International Human Rights award, 1990, from the Zepp foundation-University of Pittsburgh for his numerous features, essays and poems for radio, print, online, written on site from numerous war zones in Central America, the Middle East, Africa, and Detroit, USA. His next edition, We Want Everything is forthcoming in April, 2016 by Onslaught press, Paris-Dublin. Seager lives in voluntary exile in Paris.
LINKS to recordings by Moe Seager: https://www.reverbnation.com/moeseager
One of his most well-known poems, Jazz Is, performed on a Youtube recording at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuIOXkqE9J
See more at: http://ivywritersparis.blogspot.fr/
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