
mardi 24 mai 2016

MARDI 31 mai 2016 >> soirée de poésie américaine avec Amy CATANZANO, Rebecca SEIFERLE et Margaree LITTLE, à la librairie Berkeley Books

IVY WRITERS PARIS vous invite à une soirée dédiée à la poésie américaine — de la science aux images ! 
Discussion et lectures en anglais le 31 mai 2016 à 19h00 avec les poètes : 

Amy Catanzano 
Rebecca Seiferle et 
Margaree Little 

The 31st of May from 19h00: Ivy Writers Paris invites you to join us for an evening of readings by three outstanding young American authors. Their focus ranges from science to translation and a discussion in English with the authors will close this reading by Amy Catanzano, Rebecca Seiferle and Margaree Little.

Le 31 mai 2016
à 19h00 à la librairie : BERKELEY BOOKS of Paris
8 rue Casimir Delavigne
75006 Paris M° Odéon,
RER Luxembourg

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Amy Catanzano is an American poet whose current work as a writer explores the interdisciplinary intersections of poetry and science with a focus on quantum mechanics and innovative art and literature. Her visit to Paris is part of an investigative experiment in quantum poetics that starts with travel from the United States to the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva through the support of an arts and humanities grant from Wake Forest University, where she is an assistant professor and poet-in-residence. Catanzano then goes to the Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc in the Spanish Pyrenees, where she has been invited to be present for the formal review of an experiment studying neutrinos. A visit to the Donostia International Physics Center in San Sebastian follows, where she will give a poetry reading and lecture on science and poetry through the center’s Mestizajes Programme, which explores the relationship of science, literature, and art. In addition to reading in the Ivy Writers Paris Reading Series, she is participating in a poetry festival and teaching a guest workshop in science and writing. Catanzano’s latest book is Starlight in Two Million: A Neo-Scientific Novella, recipient of the Noemi Press Book Award for Fiction. She is also the author of Multiversal, recipient of the PEN USA Literary Award in Poetry, and iEpiphany. She has an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and a BA from Colorado State University. See more at Noemi Press and Jacket2:

Rebecca Seiferle is the author of four poetry collections, Her most recent poetry collection, Wild Tongue, (Copper Canyon Press, 2007) won the 2008 Grub Street National Poetry Prize. Bitters (Copper Canyon, 2001) won the Western States Book Award and a Pushcart prize; The Music We Dance To (Sheep Meadow Press, 1998) won the Hemley Award from the Poetry Society of America; The Ripped-Out Seam (Sheep Meadow Press, 1993) won the Bogin Memorial Award, The National Writer’s Union Prize, and the Poets & Writers Exchange Award. She was awarded the Lannan Literary Fellowship for Poetry in 2004. Copper Canyon Press published her translation of Vallejo’s The Black Heralds in 2003, and her translation of Vallejo’s Trilce  (Sheep Meadow Press, 1992) was a finalist for the PenWest Translation Award. Her translations are included in The Whole Island: Six Decades of Cuban Poetry and Reversible Monuments: Contemporary Mexican Poetry. She has been a Visiting Writer at Vanderbilt University, writer-in-residence at Hamilton College, Jacob Ziskind poet-in-residence at Brandeis University. Seiferle has been a featured reader and workshop presenter at the Summer Literary Seminars in Vilnius, Lithuania, StAnza International Poetry Festival in St. Andrews, Scotland, the Language Fair in Bozen/Bolzano Italy, and Druskininski Fall Poetry Festival in Druskininski, Lithuania. Seiferle is also the Founding Editor of the online international poetry journal, which has appeared online since April 2000. For more, see her Poetry Foundation page:

Margaree Little’s first book, Rest, is forthcoming from Four Way Books. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in American Poetry Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, New England Review, The Missouri Review, The Southern Review, Poetry Northwest, Southern Humanities Review, Bloom, and Quarterly West.  Her criticism appears or is forthcoming in American Poetry Review and Kenyon Review Online.  She earned her BA from Brown University in 2009, and her MFA from Warren Wilson College in 2012.  She is the recipient of a 2013 Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers’ Award, the 2015 John Ciardi Scholarship in Poetry from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, and a 2016 Bread Loaf Bakeless Camargo Fellowship.  She has taught writing at the Kenyon Review Young Writers’ Program and at Pima Community College, and is the 2016-2018 Kenyon Review Fellow in Poetry. Hear her reading from Breadloaf at - See more at:

jeudi 19 mai 2016


Ivy Writers Paris  
avec les revues littéraires  

Versal Magazine (Amsterdam) et  
Upstairs at Duroc (Paris)  

vous invitent à venir célébrer la poésie et le début de l'été 2016 avec des lectures
en anglais, français et dans d’autres langues par des auteurs internationaux.  

le dimanche 29 mai 2016  à partir de 17h30 

Où ? 
A Mundolingua (musée de la langue à Paris),  
10 rue Servandoni – 75006 Paris 

Qui ? 
This late Sunday afternoon event will include readings and performances in French and English.  Lectures par VEGA (Vannina Maestri, Véronique Pittolo et Virgine Poitrasson), de Lily Hoang pour VERSAL Magazine, de Lily Robert-Foley et son receuil bilingue "M", de Barbara Beck et de Jennifer K Dick pour une performance des textes extrait d'Upstairs at Duroc et de Versal Magazine (par les auteurs in absentia), de Nina Zivancevic, de Kate Noakes et de Rufo Quintavalle pour leurs nouvelles publications, de David Barnes au nom de Spoken Word Paris, et bien d'autres ! Entrée libre ! Venez nombreux !