
vendredi 7 juin 2013

24th of June MONDAY NIGHT IVY CELEBRATION OF Color Treasury with Jeffrey Yang, Jonathan Regier, Crhistine Herzer, Sarah Larivière, Jennifer K Dick and Jacob Bromberg night

24 June at 19h30—DELAVILLE CAFE
A Monday night COLOR TREASURY PRESS extravaganza of 6 readers sharing new texts 
New Directions editor, poet, translator and who works for the NY Review of Books 
and paris-based poet 
will be featured authors as Ivy Writers Paris celebrates  
COLOR TREASURY 002, "Rotation" by Jonathan Regier and  
Color Treasury 003, Newspaper, a compilation of 25 visual artists and poets, 
both designed and published by Sarah Lariviere. 
Readings will include CT003 contributors 
Jeffrey Yang, 
Jonathan Regier, 
Sarah Lariviere, 
Christine Herzer,
Jennifer K Dick 
Jacob Bromberg

34 blvd Bonne Nouvelle, 
75010 Paris, 
AT 19h30 
le 24 juin 2013

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See more about Color Treasury at:   

Reader Bios
JEFFREY YANG Jeffrey Yang is the author of An Aquarium (2008--winner of the PEN/Joyce Osterweil Prize) and Vanishing- Line (2011), and the translator of Liu Xiaobo’s June Fourth Elegies (2012), all published by Graywolf Press. He is also the translator of Su Shi's East Slope and a collection of classical Chinese poems called Rhythm 226. , and editor of the anthology Time of Grief: Mourning Poems (New Directions, 2013) and Birds, Beasts, & Seas: Nature Poems from New Directions. He works at New Directions Publishing and New York Review of Books.  Read an interview with Yang and David Shook on Uyghur Poetry. Click HERE to read his essay on Poety and Music. Listen to a reading of 3 poems by Jeffrey Lang on Lyric Nation HERE.

JONATHAN REGIER’s first book of poetry was published by Six Gallery Press (Pittsburgh, PA) in 2008. He’s now toward the end of his PhD in the history and philosophy of science at Université Paris 7, where he also teaches. Recently, his poetry has appeared in journals such as Diagram, Upstairs at Duroc,  or elimae, and his essays and book reviews have appeared in Drunken Boat and the Huffington Post. He has collaborated with authors, dancers and artists. His new chapbook, Rotation, is a limited-edition handmade art object designed and illustrated by SARAH LARIVIERE, published by her imprint, Color Treasury (pictured at right). 

CHRISTINE HERZERis a poet and visual artist currently in residence at La Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris. She is the author of i cheated on Chanel No.5 (Dancing Girl Press, 2013) and i wanted to be a pirate (h-ngm_n eBooks, 2009). Her work appears in numerous international journals, art reviews and online publications such as Fence, American Letters & Commentary, The New York Quarterly, The Volta, Drunken Boat, Spiral Orb and BlazeVOX. Her art exhibition Je m’existe showed at Evi Gougenheim’s Artplace May 30-9 june 2013.For more info on “je m'existe” and Christine Herzer’s work, see: and : and :

Color Treasury 001 SALT HOTEL
SARAH LARIVIERE is a writer living in Austin, Texas and Paris, France. Her fictional work is represented by Susan Hawk at The Bent Agency in New York City. She has a chapbook--Salt Hill (Color Treasury 001) and has had poems in journals like FENCE and Muthafucka2 as well as Puerto Del Sol blog and a recording online at Delirioushem She co-curated the Ivy Writers Paris reading series in 2011-2012. She keeps various blogs and edits and publishes Color Treasury. For a look at her Next Big Thing see For more on Color Treasury see She keeps a photography blog called  ===== ;P !!! ===== and had a visual poem-a-day project as part of national poetry month last year. Wondering what Sarah was thinking about last year? Check out her textvisual blog post for the 24th of June at For more on Sarah, come chat with her at the reading. “Visual and tactile experiences of found objects inform or dictate poetry for me. So I like including representations of light, texture and the evocative gesture (a cast-off bra, a weathered book on the sidewalk, a damp stuffed animal in a dumpster). As I walk around taking photos and examining thrift stores and garbage, I try to listen with my eyes and hands. Writing becomes an embodied experience, not only an intellectual one.”—Sarah Larivièreon the Lex-ICON blog

JENNIFER K DICK is the author of Circuits (2013), Fluorescence (2004) & the BlazeVox ebook Enclosures (2007) as well as 3 chapbooks.  She lives in France where she teaches at UHA, curates the Ivy Writers Paris bilingual reading series in Paris & co-organizes the Ecrire L'Art French mini-residency in Mulhouse. She is a poetry editor for VERSAL magazine & writes a regular poetics column for Tears in the Fence (UK). Her blog is She will be reading from an artbook which is forthcoming from Estepa Editions, France, including 3 prose poems which appeared in Color Treasury 003.

JACOB BROMBERG  is a poet, translator, and contributing editor to The White Review. He lives in Paris where he co-organizes the IVY Writers reading series. His work has appeared online and in print as part of the 2012 “Lex-ICON” text and image project in Mulhouse, France. Most recently, he has collaborated with visual artist Camille Henrot, writing the words to her film Grosse fatigue, to be featured at the 2013 Venice Biennale. The translations he will read tonight for IVY Writers Paris are part of a larger project for which he was invited to Rennes with Deborah Heissler this May as part of her writer’s residency.

 COLOR TREASURY 001 002 and 003 will be on sale at the event. 
The newsprint COLOR TREASURY 003 edition of 500, numbered FEATURES WORK BY THE FOLLOWING AUTHORS
Adriana X. Jacobs

Anna West

Brandon Shimoda

Christine Herzer

Colie Collen

Dot Devota

Elisa Gabbert

Emöke Z. B. Rácz

Ginny Wiehardt

Jacob Bromberg

Jennifer K. Dick

Jeffrey Yang

Jonathan Regier 

Karena Youtz

Katalin Ladik

Laura Mullen

Maria Damon

Matt Reeck

Phil Cordelli

Rebecca Wolff

Richard Stull

Robert Snyderman

Ron Horning

Susana Gardner

Tim Mapp
THESE AUTHORS LIVE in Paris, France and Austin, Texas and Zurich, Switzerland and Boulder and Denver, Colorado, and Troy, New York and Manhattan and Beacon and Brooklyn and Hudson and Tucson, Arizona and Mulhouse, France and India and Massachussseetttsss, Idaho, Minnesota—Asheville, NC!—Budapest, Lafayette Baton Rouge and New Orleans!